About Us

We Advocate for Reliable, Affordable and Scalable Energy

In a world dominated by unscientific and harmful climate and energy policies, it is becoming increasingly necessary to have balanced energy and climate policies based on actual data.

Our objective as Global Energy and Climate Resources is to promote energy policies that create reliable, affordable and scalable energy solutions. Not only do such energy solutions improve economies, reduce poverty, but they also make populations climate resilient.

who we are

Promoting Policies that Create Reliable, Affordable and Scalable Energy Solutions.

Anyone purporting to be engaged in making humanity climate resilient while at the same time advocating against fossil fuels is not only engaging a futile exercise but an act of sabotage. Our objective is to stop such before it causes more harm than it has already done and destroys civilisation.

The true Supporters of eco-friendliness

Productive Agriculture

Productive agriculture requires application of fertilizers, irrigation and machinery to till, harvest, process and transport the produce. All these require the use of versatile, reliable, dense and affordable energy. Currently only fossil fuels meet that criterion.

Sturdy Infrastructure

Sturdy infrastructure includes weather proof homes that protect people from the vagaries of climate as well dams, dykes, water storage, proper drainage etc. This makes societies more climate resilient and building requires both materials and energy.

Reliable, Affordable Energy

Access to affordable and reliable energy that is available when needed makes societies climate resilient as they can control how they experience climate. Anything that curtails this access makes society more vulnerable to climate extremes.